- United States, Columbus


How to bypass existing limitations and visit blocked sites

Comprehensive use of the Internet is not always available even at home, let alone at the office, where it is limited by numerous corporate network restrictions and prohibitions. VPN anonymizer, a special program that provides for complete anonymity of the user, will help you logon to any website without any restrictions.

Why would you need anonymity online

It is needless to speak much about the "black lists" of resources with restricted access at work. Of course, these include popular social networks, video portal YouTube, some of the most famous entertainment sites.

Entry restrictions are set up on the proxy server of the company and hinder the access from your work computer. The situation may be even worse - you can go to any website while at work without any restrictions, and seemingly there are no evident reasons to use the anonymizer. And then, at the end of the month the company's management upon reviewing the logs (reports) of online activities decides to fine or de-bonus the most "remarkable" visitors of Odnoklassniki.ru or similar resources. Such troubles can be avoided by using anonymizer which lifts all restrictions on visiting the sites.

Types of anonymizers

Sometimes, if the access to a site is limited, you can access it through the "mirror". This is a special resource with a different address from the original web-site, which redirects the user to the main web-site. Finding the "mirror" is very simple using any popular search engine. Major disadvantages of mirrors include: being frequently changed, not working and quickly making it to the blacklists.

Another type of anonymizer, which allows accessing any site, is called anonymous proxy server. There are many of them, but almost all of them provide at their best only for reading text information on a web page. They do not support Flash animation, multimedia content, or internal links. The information may be partially displayed, mixed up and significantly distorted.

The third and the most "advanced" category of anonymizers is called VPN tunnels. They rarely cause any difficulties in use and do not require reconfiguration of your browser or changing the configuration of your network card of the computer. It is through such anonymizer that you can access any website without restrictions.

What is VPN and what are its advantages

Virtual Private Network (VPN) – is the name of the technology enabling communication between computers or other mobile devices over another network such as the Internet. The level of trust to the main network used does not matter - modern cryptography and public key infrastructure and authentication guarantee absolute reliability. VPN uses standard transport protocols TCP or UDP, but encrypts all transmitted data, making it impossible to identify the user.

OpenVPN program

The main task of OpenVPN is to create a safe virtual channel and transfer encrypted data thereby. If you use it in a corporate network with restricted access to sites, the connection to, say Odnoklassniki.ru will look as follows:

At the same time the company’s server and traffic control software see no "suspicious activity". Moreover, even the external IP-address is changed, thus making it impossible to identify the computer from the Internet.

OpenVPN allows you to change your IP address and use a reliable, secure channel for data exchange. The program is extremely easy to set up: you activate or deactivate it with just a few "clicks" of the mouse.

You can download 32 or 64-bit version from SecureVPN.pro website. When registering on the resource and downloading the program, you will receive detailed instructions on how to install and configure it.

When the anonymizer icon located near the clock turns green, you will be able to logon to any website without restrictions through a separate proxy server. Having OpenVPN installed on your computer will not affect in any way the performance of the latter as the program consumes very little resources.


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